LACRIMOSA has increased!

by | 19. May 2006

Next to our official side that of course will last furthermore, we have created a forum for you, in which everyone who is connected to LACRIMOSA in one or the other way can meet, exchange and inspire mutually himself.

This new home consists of four main houses:

    here you find tips and tricks all around the forum and Ritchie, our webmaster, welcomes you as the head of the household;
    this building consists of three rooms in which you learn the current News about and around LACRIMOSA directly from us and moreover you can exchange yourself about everything that concerns LACRIMOSA;
    here you find different rooms for dwelling and for introducing yourself to each other and in which your hosts Mona and Amira will take good care of you, but only if you come announced because this area is only for registered visitors;
    the new guestbook which will replace the previous one as of now and in which you can let off steam – as had – after desire and mood.

Now, in the interest of all visitors we would like to point out that outside the guestbook merely the two languages English and German should be spoken since a mutual exchange is no longer possible if everybody speaks in his own mother tongue. Thus we cordially invite you into our new home and wish you a lovely stay and respectful dealing with each other!!