NEW ALBUM FROM SNAKESKIN The time has come: Tilo Wolff’s second band SNAKESKIN has released their new album “Tunes for my Santiméa” in digipak with two bonus tracks! Enjoy this album!...
MOMA-Festival cancelled We are very sorry to inform you that we won’t be able to play the show at the Moma Festival! Unfortunately not all chinese embassys in Europe were able to provide our travel crew – six different nationalities – with the right...
MOMA MUSIC FESTIVAL SHANGHAI It’s a pleasure to announce that we have been invited to the Chinese Moon Festival to take part at the MOMA MUSIC FESTIVAL on September 15, 2016 in Shanghai, which will be our next show after this month’ appearance in Poland. More...
LIVE-CLIP During the last concerts of the “UnterWelt-Tour” our friend of defect ART has made a video for “Die unbekannte Farbe” which brings back the atmosphere of these concerts again! See and...
LACRIMOSA AT THE WGT 2016 On May 15th 2016, to celebrate and to honor the 25th anniversary of the WGT, we will headline the Agra Halle! This pic was made by Gela Düllmann during our show in Cologne. Yours, Tilo...
UNTERWELT-TOUR #2 In a few days’ time our tour is coming into its final round! As a Special Guest we have the fantastic CANTERRA with us – powerful emotions: So these are the final concert dates, there will be no more shows of the UnterWelt-Tour and...