Inferno-Lacrinight on August 20th, 2010

Dear all!
As we keep this tradition already for some years now, it was not so long ago that we last celebrated the release of the new LACRIMOSA album while listening to it at the very same time. Wherever we spent these moments on this planet we were connected with eachother through the music and our emotions arising from it!
Now we were asked if we could continue with this tradition also when there is no new album coming out. We like this idea as there are plenty of LACRIMOSA albums to share together and therefor we invite you to join us for the next LacriNight:
It will occur on Friday, the 20th of August at 21:00 CET (Central European Time) and the program is the album “Inferno” from 1995!
So, prepare yourself your favorite drink, make yourself comfortable, turn your speakers to the max and join us and everyone with the same music at the same time!
Additionally – if you want – you can visite the LACRIMOSA Forum and share your thoughts with whoever is joining.
At 21:00 CET I will press play and I’m looking forward to dive into this album once more with you!
Tilo Wolff